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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • AgileWebb@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessIs my offer bad?
    10 months ago

    You are one of 50 “web design agency’s” that email or call every single business, every day. This is the absolute dumbest business to start. If you are talented, make your own website selling literally anything other than website design.

  • AgileWebb@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFailing franchise
    10 months ago

    No. This is the exact opposite of how restaurant businesses work. With restaurants, you get an initial honeymoon period (people love new restaurants) and then hope to maintain popularity. If you didn’t get the honeymoon boost after opening… Oh boy, it’s just going to get worse.

  • AgileWebb@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFailing franchise
    10 months ago


    Sorry man. Boba shop? 1/2 million dollars?

    It’s gone. That money is gone.

    So many people mortgage their houses or spend their life savings to open their “dream business” or whatever other romanticized bullshit.

    90%+ lose everything. Happens everyday. Over and over. A boba shop? JFC.

  • Oh, you are so confused. When you own a restaurant, you take orders from way more people than when you were a worker. Every customer is a demanding, entitled jerk off with Yelp open and ready to go. You’ll realize very quickly that you are a little bitch at the mercy of the customer. On top of that, you’ll almost certainly lose all of your money through a painful, emotionally challenging year or two of desperately watching the door hoping and praying that these highly critical assholes will come in just so you might be able to stay open a week longer.

    Everyone romanticizes owning a restaurant. Everyone thinks they can cook better and run it better than the next guy.

    I’m extremely talented in business. And man, that was an awful 2 years of my life that thankfully I was able to come out slightly ahead. The business has since gone through several more owners who all failed miserably.

    Best of luck to ya!

  • AgileWebb@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessOutrageous Raises
    10 months ago

    I always fire employees who do this.

    There is no path forward. You know they won’t be happy no matter what. Harbor feelings that you are underpaying. Probably looking elsewhere. Etc. Don’t invest in these people.

    If they want to play their hand like that, then they better have a good hand to play.

    He didn’t. He lost. Fired.

  • Queue all the antiworkers who will swear it’s totally fine to just read books instead of working. 🤣

    No, it’s not ok. She should look ready to help, engaging, offering samples, smiling and saying hello to passerbys, etc. There is a reason other vendors sent you photos of her not working. It’s painfully obvious.

    “Mental break so I don’t get discouraged”…

    She just admitted that she can’t do the job. Fire her.