We can easily hear that there is a phase of your entrepreneurial path that is all about loneliness.

You are no longer part of your old group of friends. Perhaps lost a girlfriend, or even lost your family.

“You need to find new friends. Friends with the right mindset and that want the same thing as you.” - They might say.

But what is all that about? When the fuck it this phase comes to an end? Is all of this just meta bs to separate society? Or perhaps just the natural way of life?

It’s been 14 month… I lost my girlfriend, all my friends, and can’t feel secure around family. It doesn’t feel like progress. It doesn’t feel like achieving something. I used to try everything in order to talk with these people and make some difference, but there is no chance of it working.

How much pain can someone take? Is there light by the end of the tunnel?

Perhaps you are of those who have already gone thru all of this, or maybe is in the early stages of this process.

It’s almost like being to much to relate with old friends, and being to little to engage with new friends… This process takes too much time and energy, and never seems to end.