I’m starting to realize that to get rich, one needs to hang out with rich people but I’m not sure where to meet them. The only places I can think of are Silicon Valley and New York (no I don’t know where in New York they are).
Why have rich friends?
- If they didn’t make the money themselves, they at least know people who did can learn from them
- They’re the ideal customer because they can pay more for the same product
This is not how to get rich.
Short of inheriting, getting rich slow from real estate and stocks, you’re better off parlaying your most stand out skills and interests, and applying them to something scalable that you can turn into a business.
Become genuinely successful and successful people attract to you naturally.
Wealth follows.
This may be good advice but some people need advice on the good advice.
Some people do have the skills and ability to successfully run a business but have no clue how to start one from scratch. Without having the proper network of people there’s little chance they would figure it out by themselves.
you people always are able to find an excuse for why you’re not getting what you want.
That’s total crap. I started from scratch as someone living in a small town in Italy, registered company abroad, and now making 10-15k a month, no investors, bootstrapped and only had 4k euros to my name. Just massive action.
The thing about starting a business from scratch is that 100% of the time it’s going to be mass problems you’re constantly solving. Eventually after solving enough of them with a direction in mind, you find efficient ways to provide the solution to your customers, and replicate those means.
Literally anyone who has worked through this process understands that mental fortitude is what success takes. Anyone asking for “rich friends” clearly lacks that fortitude, and is just looking for a shortcut to success
I play in this narrow lane, helping those willing to take action to start their business, working on customer validation, from an idea that has an intention of providing value.
If their goal is to be rich or meet wealthy people, I don’t help this demographic, as it’s not likely to succeed.
Wrong. Becoming extremely successful almost entirely depends on your network.
Network is a product of interest, merit, value and relatability. Successful people are drawn to others with, or who are currently pursuing their own successful ventures/interests.
Start by finding what makes you valuable and build from there. Is it problem solving? Affinity for numbers? Organization and systems?
All things can be valuable if pursued with an enterprising mindset and unwillingness to give up. The network is just a byproduct of your interests/ambition if experience means anything.
Better get off the video games and become useful irl then
Which you build through kicking ass.
No one I know “networks” to line up a network then does something 😂.
Anyway, enjoy any approach you like.