I own a house and two vehicles and have a fairly decent amount of assets. BUT IM DEPRESSED AND NEED TO WORK. I don’t “need” to work clearly. BUT I need a purpose. I have no desire to work for someone else again because honestly, I don’t need to. But I cannot keep doing nothing forever. Since leaving the military I have been a realtor (not my thing), a personal trainer and nutrition coach. Didn’t have fun doing that. I can start a business or take over a business. I can really do whatever I want. But I have no idea. I have traveled almost all of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, etc. So traveling is not what I want to do either.

I understand I am very fortunate to be making this much money a month. That being said I need direction and motivation in life. HELP!

  • treetopflyin@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    How are you able to do all of the exercising, travelling, work etc if you are 100% permanently and totally disabled? Sincerely. My father couldn’t get military total disability even though he got shot in both knees in vietnam and had such debilitating PTSD that he couldnt work, abandoned his entire family and drank/did drugs to cope with it all. And he had a PhD that he never used due to the ptsd. Seriously, I appreciate your service but just wondering how that is possible when other veterans get near to nothing? Sounds like your at least moderately capable if you want to own/run a business.

    • SenselessSensors@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      VA Rating System. It’s changed over the years. But it also depends on how/what you claim. I feel for your father. It makes me sad and angry as Veteran myself.

      I talk to a lot of older generation vets and what I have summarized is this: 1) They don’t claim. 2) They don’t know how to make a claim or that they even could, 3) They don’t fight the process to get what by law they are entitled to. 4) They have ZERO record of ailments being associated with Military Service. 5) Arrogance/ Hard headedness.

      Long story short; much like our country and its government, the VA has changed over time. The old timers paved the way for the more younger generation of Veterans to receive the care and benefits they did not necessarily receive. I thank and respect them for that each and every day.

      Either way VA is still shit. But it’s a bit better type of shit than back in the day. The Medical Community as a whole has also come a long way in its understanding of mental trauma as well (PTSD), and lots of other ailments and injuries and how they affect daily life; and VA ratings reflect this.

      Keep in mind even today you can be an amputee and only get max 40% for that amputation; it’s all the secondary claims due to that amputation that will put you at a 100. Kinda fucked up if you ask me.

      Everyone in the military was exposed to small arms fire at one point. Tinnitus gets you 10%. Every veteran reading this needs to understand that! Get what you are Legally Entitled to Vets!

      • toxictoastrecords@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        I have a friend who fought hard, was hard headed, knew what he was owed, and eventually got scraps.

        Dealt with a lot of drug issues, and ended up with a record easier than any help from the VA or any vet programs. Unfortunately he’s no longer with us. He battled with suicide for nearly a decade, and eventually lost that battle. I’m glad you found help within the system, I just wish my friend had better luck on his journey.