I’m trying to find software or whatever that allows me to copy people on the email, but they not get the actual email unless the recipient clicks reply all.

Basically I want to email Jim and CC Bob

But I don’t want Bob to get the email at all.

But if Jim hits reply all, then I want Bob and myself to get that reply and see the email string.

Long story short, I don’t want Bob to know I emailed Jim, unless Jim replies all. It’s perfectly ok if Jim sees Bob, and even assumes Bob got the email too.

The context is, Bob is paying me a sales commission if I get him new business. Jim is a potential buyer that I am emailing to tell him about Bob. However, I will be sending an email to a thousand or more Jims. (Another thing I need is the ideal software to do this) Which would normally also send the same thousand or more emails to Bob, that I don’t want. I want Bob to only get responses from the Jims of the world who are actually interested in learning more. I don’t want Bob to have my full email list.

And at least I would prefer that Bob took it from there and I not be involved. But not critical. If Jim replies to just me, I can reply all with Bob. Just trying to avoid this step.

Alternatively, can I spoof the email I send as me to have Bob’s email instead of mine? My name, just Bob’s email address. With Bob’s permission of course.

Any help would be appreciated.