My boss has recently told me that he has to declare bankruptcy due to a massive client who never paid. He is offering me partner status in the next company and I could really use some outside advice. I’m 20, in college, and planned on going into sales. My business on the side hasn’t had any traction for a while due to my lack of connections, but my boss has consistently had work for my company since his network is huge. He’s s offering ownership in a new company which will have the services I offer, with his connections, as well as all of his contracts from the previous company, which is well into six-figures. I’d be bringing skills and labor to the table. He’d be bringing that, plus connections and current contracts/relationships.

Where do I start? This seems like a great opportunity but throws a wrench in my other plans. Any outside opinions, and questions are welcomed! I’ve never faced something like this and have no clue where to start.

  • Significant-Repair42@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is like a forest of RED FLAGS for you.

    He doesn’t have the capability to raise capital. He has probably given you an ‘edited’ version of events.

    No one with that many contacts/business savvy is going to go into a full partnership with a newly minted person who has no idea what is going on.

    Tell him you have to wait until the bankruptcy is finalized, if you aren’t strong enough to give a hard no.

    I bet a 10 imaginary internet points that his house/home is in foreclosure and that his personal credit cards are maxxed out.

    It’s kinda like having a 60 year old guy trying to woo someone in high school. I love you, I really do, see all my cool stuff. Never mind my three ex-wives, they just didn’t get me. SEE MY COOL STUFF!!!

    • Ikeeki@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      100% this. It’s very predatory…

      Also the fact that he had failed businesses already, why would you want to be mentored by a failure