A bit of a rant, but also seeking some support.

I struggle at coming up with viable ideas to turn them into businesses.

It really frustrates me because I do want to try my hand at entrepreneurship.

When I think a lightbulb comes off and I reflect on the idea, either (1) it has already been done or (2) it just send technically way too difficult.

I’ve tried and am trying my hand at entrepreneurship.

  1. Pre-COVID I want to start a payment processing business for a small European country. Basically Square for that country. I spent a lot of time researching and learning, did a little market research, joined an incubator to get mentorship, but I was way over my head. Not an original idea, margins are too small, no money, hard to raise, and working all alone (a recurring issue of mine, no cofounder). I recently shelved it.

  2. I’ve been writing a crypto newsletter and podcasting for about 24 and 15 months respectively. When I was working I didn’t put any money on it, ran it on a shoestring to validate the idea. Since starting it I’ve gone back to school and am still doing it. Not interesting in marketing makes it hard to get subscribers. I don’t have that many. Bright side is that I’m able to use it to meet people by positioning myself as someone from the media. Nevertheless, it makes no money, but a great tool to establish new relationships. Bottom line, the world doesn’t need another newsletter or podcast, but I plan to keep it up for the networking aspect.

My background is in banking, 10 years in the industry, did various jobs, climbed the ranks, didn’t love it, even hated it sometimes, but I have a solid financial services and sales background.

I’m not technical, always needed a technical cofounder.

I have a buddy and we’re trying to come up with ideas, but most stuff we come to with has already been done or just not viable.

Feeling frustrated. Going back to work for ‘the man’ doesn’t feel great.

Anyway, not sure what you can feel me, but love your perspective.

Any suggestions on ideating effectively works be quite helpful!


  • avtges@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Just solve a problem better than any existing solutions out there. What’s a problem you have? How painful is it? Do other people have it? Validate that, then solve it.

  • Mack_B@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    So I’m in the opposite boat, in the past I’ve had too many ideas at times but I never can find people to help execute them as a non-technical founder myself. Currently I’m building a B2B Events services company and managed to build a team of 4 people, but I’d be happy to chat sometime if you want some ideas. Related to some of the past ideas, I own 25+ 6 letter domains ending in DAO if you’re interested in crypto focused ideas. If someone else wants to take the lead I’d be more than happy to come up with the ideas, provide a domain, and long term strategy for a smaller equity position. I’ve had a goal of learning to ‘monetize ideas’ for a few years now, I’ve been working for early stage startups for the past 5 years to refine the skills of taking an idea into an actionable plan and such.

  • peywrax@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    ChatGPT & AI can help you out. Play around with prompts such as “what problems do [industry] workers face in their day to day work?” and go from there.

    Look for things trending online, replicate, expand if it does well shut down if not, repeat.

    • the-silva@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Using Bard (Google) is a good option, as it is up to date with recent public publications on the Internet. Perhaps, by linking to some post about current problems and difficulties in a certain sector, it could generate some useful ideas.

  • ysl17@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Execution > Idea

    Many people gave up because they don’t think their idea is unique enough.You don’t have to worry about competition. In fact, having competition already = your idea is validated.

    To give you some context:

    Most importantly, don’t give up.

  • Gusfoo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I struggle at coming up with viable ideas to turn them into businesses.

    Perhaps you’re trying to be original. That’s never a good approach.

  • Longjumping-Ad8775@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Go to startup events. Listen to ideas. You will find some nuggets of goodness in there. This will also get you thinking. Don’t worry about ideas belonging to someone else. Most just have ideas and won’t even explore them, plus execution on the idea matters.

    You can also join someone else’s startup. Nothing wrong with that.

  • hornshacks@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Ah, the elusive quest for the “original” business idea – it’s like searching for a unicorn at a horse farm! Here’s a little secret: most successful businesses aren’t about original ideas, but about executing existing ideas better or differently. Look at your Square-like venture – sure, the idea wasn’t new, but the context (small European country) was. The challenge wasn’t the idea’s novelty, but its feasibility.
    Your journey sounds like a classic entrepreneur’s rollercoaster – high hopes, steep learning curves, and the occasional loop-de-loop of disappointment. Don’t sweat about finding a groundbreaking idea; instead, focus on your strengths (like your finance background) and market needs. Maybe there’s a niche in financial services that’s underserved? Or a twist on traditional services that could use your expertise?
    You’re also onto something with your crypto newsletter and podcast. No, the world might not need another one, but it’s a foot in the door to the industry, a networking goldmine. Plus, it keeps you in the loop of emerging trends, which could spark an idea.
    Remember, entrepreneurship is often about iteration, not invention. Tweak existing ideas, find gaps in the market, and play to your strengths. And don’t underestimate the power of a good co-founder; sometimes two heads are better than one, especially when they bring complementary skills to the table. Keep at it, and who knows, you might just find your entrepreneurial sweet spot!

  • NOK-1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am actively searching for assistants, partners and or investors for LANDAO. While there are original components of LANDAO, it is basically taking a real estate investment fund and turning it into a decentralized, rules-based, blockchain driven platform for acquiring agriculture land and ranch land. (taking an old product and making it better)

    If you or anyone thinks they can assist or might be interested in partnering/investing, I would be happy to discuss.

    There is, currently, no salary or cash payments for assisting but can pay upon the purchase of the first property.

    The funding mechanism for the organization is the acquisition of properties. (i.e. there is no funds available until purchasing a property)

    Frontend and backend is complete.

    Content is here: https://info.landao.org

    Critical and or positive comments welcome.

    Have a great day!!

  • Few-Blueberry956@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The idea of a lifetime comes once a week. Execution makes the difference.

    Execution > idea.

    And at some point, just moving in any direction will get you to that “original idea” after a while anyway, because you’ll learn through doing and getting things wrong. Chances are your idea needs to be validated anyway. So just get to work and you’ll get there. The more you wait around the more time wasted before validating and building.

  • traker998@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Dunno. I don’t know any successful “original” ideas. Facebook had 8 competitors when it started. Uber had four. Google was the 20th search engine. Why not just find something in your segment and do something better or faster.

    Also. Crypto is really hard to raise for. I’d avoid that. But that’s an opinion.

  • Iam_motivated_jay@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Stop obsessing over novelty.

    Focus on value.

    Even if your idea is not new, your unique perspective and spin could create something the world needs.

    Hope you this helps.

    Best to you