Hey Everyone,
I recently launched my web design agency and decided to kick off with cold calling. I’ve reached out to about 100 businesses, particularly painters in Toronto with basic websites, offering a no upfront cost deal at $25 a month for hosting and maintenance for my first 20 clients. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much traction. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or if my offer needs tweaking? I only do static sites so basically no e-commerce would that be limiting myself?
Super saturated market, need to differentiate yourself
Record videos going over websites and how you’d fix. Cold calling won’t really work, if someone called you offering a website would you pay them?
Perhaps up your pricing, you’d be better off doing for free or saying they just have to cover costs than $25/month it implies cheap=low quality labour.
Look into potential government grants for business if they hire local web development and call into physical locations