Hello guys,

I am starting a canned wine brand just have some questions so i found some wine but still looking at other wineries should i in the meantime start with the design process and talk to graphic designer to draw me the can designs or i should wait to confirm the wine?

And can someone help me like with a step by step business plan

  • FilipValica@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Before you even build a business plan, and I recommend the lean business canvas to start, I wouldn’t make sure that you dial in what people want.

    Regarding the wines, I would assume that is almost immaterial. You will likely end up with blends.

    Another angle: You can use this to your advantage by negotiating overstock or expiring inventory from vineyards. Of course the challenge with this is that the product taste will change depending on what vineyards are looking to offload.

    Right now, it’s not clear that you know who you are selling what to. Perhaps it’s an underserved market within wine? Nail this down first, and that will drive everything else, including the can design.