Hello guys,

I am starting a canned wine brand just have some questions so i found some wine but still looking at other wineries should i in the meantime start with the design process and talk to graphic designer to draw me the can designs or i should wait to confirm the wine?

And can someone help me like with a step by step business plan

  • InterestingAd4771@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hello! First and foremost, best of luck with your new project!

    This is simply what I think I would do in your position:

    1. I would consider who my target audience is. I believe it could be the young partygoer demographic. Currently, it’s a growing industry among the younger crowd, and I think it could be a good niche to target initially.

    2. Once you identify your ideal customer or target audience, I think it would be good to get some feedback. I would produce 100 or 200 cans (the more, the better) and go out to offer a free can in exchange for them answering some simple questions such as: What score would you give it on a scale of 1 to 10? How likely would you be to buy this product? I would also include a space for free-form feedback, asking if they would change anything about the product.

    I also believe that your price will be a determining factor, as canned beers and other beverages will be your direct competitors. I think the price should be in line with your competitors’ prices.

    This is just a simple opinion; I hope some of this is helpful! When you have your designs ready, upload them, and we will gladly give you our opinion!