Long story short i came up with a new product and i would like to launch it in brick and mortar vape shops. Besides doing door to door sales, what is the best way to land my product on their shelves? I already have a display made up and a pretty good sales sheet, how can i effectively get this information to between 50-100 shops. I dont want to just have it in 5-10 shops, my start up cost is so low that i can afford to front enough product in around 100 stores, i think this will give me much better data.

Emails come to mind first, i have about 35 emails that i have collected through websites, i have sent out about 10 of them with no responses over the past week. These emails consisted of 2-3 paragraphs explaining the product/details and then a 2 page sales sheet with all the selling info, numbers etc. and a short video of the product. The emails were personalized so they dont seam spammy, Is it common to have these shops not even read emails? I am planning to send more with basically little to no words and just the sales sheet seeing if they would be interested in hosting this product.

The emails i sent state there is nothing to loose for the shop, no upfront costs, basically put this display on your shelf and collect %40 of sales, which i think would be relatively enticing for these shops.

I have tried phone calls but i always end up getting a hold of an associate who has no information to give me.

Before i send anymore id like to know if i am doing something wrong with sending the emails. Do i need to send out 100 emails to get 1 response? I am located in texas and would like to try the product launch in the 3 big cities, this is why door to door doesnt seam efficient to me.

Thanks in advance!

  • UnhappyIndustry4072@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve been in the industry for 10 years and sell to many shops and distributors. You can dm me and I might be able to point you in the right direction. Texas has a huge market and I’ll be there next week actually for meetings with customers.