Where is the next “it” place?

Where and when is the next renaissance happening?

I feel that there is no vision, no real mission. Instead, everyone has relied on trending things to do that haven’t amounted to anything i.e., crypto, web3, AI, etc. Silicon Valley and other creative hubs are too focused on making money and getting people hooked on apps. Indie hackers are all making the same stuff, copying each other. Music isn’t real anymore, just gimmicks.

No one is making anything real, no philosophy.

Which city is making it happen?


"The term Renaissance has also been used to define periods outside of the 15th and 16th centuries. Charles H. Haskins (1870–1937), for example, made a case for a Renaissance of the 12th century.[143] Other historians have argued for a Carolingian Renaissance in the 8th and 9th centuries, Ottonian Renaissance in the 10th century and for the Timurid Renaissance of the 14th century. The Islamic Golden Age has been also sometimes termed with the Islamic Renaissance.[144] The Macedonian Renaissance is a term used for a period in the Roman Empire in the 9th-11th centuries CE.

Other periods of cultural rebirth have also been termed “renaissances”, such as the Bengal Renaissance, Tamil Renaissance, Nepal Bhasa renaissance, al-Nahda or the Harlem Renaissance. The term can also be used in cinema. In animation, the Disney Renaissance is a period that spanned the years from 1989 to 1999 which saw the studio return to the level of quality not witnessed since their Golden Age of Animation. The San Francisco Renaissance was a vibrant period of exploratory poetry and fiction writing in that city in the mid-20th century"

  • DisruptorMor@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Well… We could start reviewing our perception of philosophy due to the amount of external interference towards our thinking process.

    I am not saying that we are living in an era that our thoughts are guided by external factors, because in fact the human thinking has always been like that. The only difference is the amount of interference we can provoke these days.

    To be more precise we still have people producing thoughts the same way as Seneca or Aristotle, for example, but the trend way of thinking is changing and we are not aware of it because it this process takes more time than our own generation.

    Let’s consider the work that Nietzsche did. It’s easy to consider him a genius because he could see the thinking process that would take place to his generation and that’s why a lot of teachers mention his work during these days.

    To understand what I am saying it’s important to perceive the idea of social thinking. We are individuals that have individual thoughts, but we build the world around those thoughts. The concept of social thinking (I don’t know if someone has used this terminology before) is related to the combination of multiple individual thoughts. So society, as a whole, is thinking and planning its own future without noticing it. There is a living organism which is you, and a living organism which is the society.

    So… I could guess that the world is going towards a cyberpunk aesthetic, and cultures around the globe are going to perceive this aesthetic by its own perception, same with the individuals. Important topics that confirm this idea:

    • The application of A.I. in our lives;
    • Days that never end due to excessive light and cities that never sleep;
    • Interaction with technology taking the place of human interaction;
    • The constant pursuit of innovation

    And so on…

    Answering your question “where is the next ‘it’ place?” Probably Japan.