I’m extremely confused, I have been building out our consumer based app for 2.5 years now. I have been talking to our users and building features based on their feedback non-stop.

But here’s the crazy part, all the issues our users bring up could easily apply to our direct competitors, yet they are doing great despite serving a similar audience.

Why is it that our users leave because we don’t have x, y, and z. Yet our competitors also don’t have x, y, and z yet thrive despite serving a similar market?

  • forethebirds@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Your post is rather vague.

    If you are referring to your task management app that is a very saturated market with some big competitors. Not only that but many of the established players do plenty of advertising whereas it sounds like you do not. Do not discount marketing. You can sell literal dog shit if marketed correctly.

    Do you require a subscription when signing up for the paid version? Do you offer a free trial that automatically turns into a paid subscription? Is it extremely easy to cancel once subscribed?

    When I’ve tried this type of app the answers to those questions has typically been yes, yes, and no respectively. I also think your target users are people less inclined to stick with things, hence needing the app, which already makes retention an uphill battle.