
I have been advertising for what was always going to be a small event. I was optimistically hoping for at least 30 ticket sales, would have been happy with 20 but with 2 days to go I have only sold…6

There have been LOTS of people clicking on the advertising and tagging friends etc in the promotional posts so MAYBE there will be some on the day sales but still with only 6 sold I am on the fence about cancelling and refunding the 6.

The thing is, if I go ahead and run it anyway, it’s not so much running the event at a loss that I am worried about. As it stands I will only be out of pocket about $500 which isn’t the end of the world. It’s not wanting the few who have purchased (and the venue manager) to walk in and see an empty room.

I can’t decide what is more harmful to the brand for any potential future attempts at the event (which I still think has promise, might have just got timing, format, pricing wrong):

  • Cancelling the event at the first time of trying to run it

  • Running it and having an empty room which is then awkward for the guests
