Hey everyone. Happy Holiday’s. I was curious to hear any stories about small business owners that have depression on here.

I am a small business owner that has an online service business primarily helping other small local business owners in their cities get more traffic and customers. I also have depression and it’s not due to any situation, it’s just there.

For those of you that don’t have depression, I explain it other like a migraine, severe headache, or even a very bad upset stomach from eating something bad. You can either wait for it to pass (leaving you useless for a day or even days) or you can push through and try your hardest to make it work. (and just deal)

My depression can actually wipe me out. But because I have clients, I just push through to keep them successful.

I was just curious if there are any other small business owners here that that have depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses? I know for me, it makes normal everyday business situations, that much harder. But I love what I do so I just push through.

Would love to hear any of your stories or how it impacts you. Thanks and I’m wishing you all good success as we get closer to the end of the year. May next year be even better :)

  • RlyOriginalUsername@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Uuuuggghhh I’m with you friend!

    Everything is just so much harder with depression and/or anxiety. My laundrys piled up, I haven’t put tools, ladders and materials away in the last 4 days after completing a project, they’re scattered all over the garage and my wife can’t park her car in there.

    Anyway, most recently (2 yrs) I’ve been seeing a psychologist, taking fluoxetine and trying to figure out my triggers.

    I’ve been reading two very helpful and practical books and implementing the strategies/exercises in them. Sometimes I’ll drop off, may not visit them for 1-3 weeks, but I try keep what I can in my head and catch myself when I notice a mood/anxiety/depression coming on. I’ll post links below.

    I find that getting STARTED on tasks for me is the hardest, yet once I begin, I’m ok. Sometimes I’ll get distracted, but I find that’s actually due to some stress the task is giving me (maybe I feel like I’m not moving forward with the task because I need to research something before I make a decision).

    I learned to use a pomodoro timer - it’s about focusing on the process (the timer; just 20 mins of focused work) and not about finishing or doing 10, 20, 50% of a task in front of me. Reduces overwhelm, helps getting started easier and also allows you to have a break and rest the brain every 20 mins (5 min rest - no work). To get started, I just say, OK, I will sit down at my computer, start the timer and begin. I may tell myself, or tally that I will do 4 pomodoros (80 mins) and that’s all. Whatever work is done in that period is done. I generally get into a flow and manage to keep pumping.

    When overwhelm sets in I notice I’m flustered in my head. Having the awareness to know that I’m feeling flustered and distracted has allowed me to slow down, breathe, ground myself and move forward. It doesn’t always happen though, it’s taking practise, its a great feeling when I do notice and take action.

    Change Your Thinking

    Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before

    Anddddd one last thing, I’ve recently found out I have sleep apnoea and using a CPAP machine while I sleep now has allowed me more energy and improved cognitive function. May help you to get a sleep study done (I think your GP may be able to help you with a referral).

    • musicfanatic85@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I completely feel you on this and thanks so much for sharing. Have you tried headphones? I will put on headphones with something on youtube like focus music, college music, or any other keywords that will pertain to paying attention.

      If you have earbuds great, but if you have over the ear closed back headphones, it’s amazing. After about 10 minutes of it and reading, I’m in the zone. I’m an SEO, website builder, and content writer for local businesses. So All my work is computer based. It really helps me get in the zone. And I don’t get overwhelmed because it calms me. Thank you so much for the links, I have them book marked.

      Oh I also have sleep apnea. I turn into Top Gun every night now with my full mask set. I definitely feel more energy throughout the day and my dreams are vivid. Also I noticed that I’ll sleep thinking I slept for 8 hours, and look at the clock and it’s been 4. It’s so wild.

      • RlyOriginalUsername@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        You’re top gun, I’m Bane 😂

        I’ve got headphones, they just cause pain after an hour or two. Thanks for the reminder! Cafe sounds are a good one (people chatting, espressos getting made).

        How has your anxiety/depression changed since using CPAP?