The inner game behind money…

The Top 10 Limiting Beliefs About Money:

  1. Money Is Scarce
  2. I Am Unworthy Of Money
  3. You Need Money To Make Money
  4. Having Money Is Selfish
  5. More Money = More Problems
  6. Money Needs To Be Held Onto
  7. I Am Not Good With Money
  8. Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
  9. You Have to Work Hard for Money
  10. I Can Either Make Money or Follow My Passion

Now, do me a favor, switch the word “money” with “energy.”

  1. Energy Is Scarce
  2. I Am Unworthy Of Energy
  3. You Need Energy To Make Energy
  4. Having Energy Is Selfish
  5. More Energy = More Problems
  6. Energy Needs To Be Held Onto
  7. I Am Not Good With Energy
  8. Energy Doesn’t Buy Happiness
  9. You Have to Work Hard for Energy
  10. I Can Either Make Energy or Follow My Passion

It simply doesn’t work.

Energy is easy to obtain.

The more you give, the more you receive.

Use your energy to do push-ups you get stronger.

Use your energy to take kiss her & she’ll love you more.

Use your energy to give people want they would like and they’ll give you what you would like (luckily we made it so easy, that we symbolize it as money.)

Energy is easy to obtain.

I sleep and I get more of it.

I eat and I get more of it.

I move more and I get more of it.

Use your energy to give people what they want.

You are worthy of energy, it is who you are.

It’s the only thing you are.

To be tangible.

Use your energy to FIND what other energetic beings want.

Use your energy to GIVE it to them.

Receive energy by ASKING for it from them.

The poorest people are those who give the least.

Be a good giver.

Don’t only give people what they want.

Give it to them the way they want it.

It takes more energy to tailor the experience they want, but you’ll be able to ask for much more energy in exchange.

This is luxury energy.

Some cars just go from A to B.

My cars glide on the road.

They emit loving warm from the hand stitched seats.

They sense and look out for my safety when backing out.

They take a lot more energy to maintain, so I give a lot more energy to acquire it.

This richest people are the most energetic beings.

You are worthy.

  • WanMilBus@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Well, let’s start with obvious: this would only work if money and energy were completely interchangeable notions. But they are not. So, the analogy breaks in many places.
    Having said that, I strongly agree with the actual idea behind this post.

  • jaytaylojulia@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Have you been doing some programs on Mindvalley? If not, it is a great place to expand good beliefs and let go of one’s limiting you.

    I agree with everything you said!