Hi, I’m a college student in an Entrepreneurship course, and I’m currently looking into the entrepreneurial process and everything that goes into it. I know a lot of you have a ton more experience than I do, so if you could spare a few minutes to talk about what drives you and the details about how you got to where you are now, I would greatly appreciate it! Here are a few sample questions I’m interested in asking:

- What’s the biggest failure you’d faced during your journey, and how did you overcome it?

- What is one thing that motivates you to keep pushing forwards even when times are tough?

- What do you believe is the most important trait someone needs to succeed in business?

- How do you define success in work? Does it differ from how you’d define success in life?

If you’re interested in answering these questions and more, I would love to hear your perspectives! Just send me a message, and I’ll ask you all about your experiences. Thank you all!

  • DisruptorMor@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Well… You didn’t said a successful entrepreneur so here I go 😂

    1. Failures is a good place to start this conversation because it gives me the opportunity to clarify a concept that I realized a few months ago. It is about contrast. Everything in life happens in the contrast. If there were no light in the universe it wouldn’t be dark, because darkness only exist in the contrast to light. If there were no bad in the world we wouldn’t be able to talk about good, because good only exist in contrast to bad. If there were no failures in life there wouldn’t be any kind of success, because success only exist in contrast to failure. And when I realize that I stopped living life separating my outcomes between failures and success, because it’s indeed impossible to exist one without the other. So I’ve got no big failure, only a variety of experiences with an extend amount of emotions related to each of them.

    2. Perhaps my previous answer is enough for this question. But I understand that some people might be in difficult situations in this exactly moment, and we all hates to be logic when things are fucked up 😂. So I could say that if you can’t find meaning in the pain you are suffering it’s probably because you are taking the wrong decisions. For those kind of pains it’s important to analyze your life and actions, and understand what you should change. In the other hand the pain that you find meaning is as beautiful as love could be. We tend to dislike this feeling, but to suffer with a right cause is a noble thing to the soul. We need it.

    3. One great trait that people could have is clarity. When you can see clearly you can take better actions. And it’s not about business it’s about life, business is just part of life. It’s probably a good idea to explain what I mean with “clarity” and well… It’s like watching a movie that tells ∞ stories at the same time and we can easily get overwhelmed by everything that is happening in the movie, to have clarity is to keep up only with the parts this movie that suit yours desires. And it takes some wisdom to understand that there is an infinite amount of things to be attached but most of then are not part of ourselves, so giving attention to what serves you is a great sign of autenticity. And it takes even more wisdom to understand that you are not defined by only one thing “I am entrepreneur”, probably yes, you are, but you are not defined only by that. Maybe you love botanics, or animals, or boats, or books, idk… Just have clarity to watch the movie that fits you right.

    4. I can see two kind of success in business: the one that is validated by society; and the one validated by your soul. Sometimes they are both the same, but quite often we see people making tons of money and feeling empty as fuck. It happens because you were seeking social validation and didn’t pay attention to what your souls is asking. So if you succeed in life that’s all that matters. And if entrepreneurship is a tool to fulfill your soul so be it. About my personal perspective about success on work it would be about shining at what you like doing, and doesn’t matter what, if you just do it with sparkles in your heart that’s success. Perhaps the most successful people in the business industry are those how their hearts are aligned with this social validation 🤔 so they see it like the best game in the world and not whiling to stop playing.

    These are just some thoughts about life. I hope it is a great source of insights for you. Feel free to DM if you want, and be aware that I am just a simple guy.