I’ll try and keep it short.

I am a Canadian seller who has sold an item to a buyer in the USA. The customer has complaints about the function of the product. His complaints are not valid, they are technically nonsensical. Furthermore I have a no returns policy for cross-border sales clearly displayed on my site. The downside to me simply honoring his request for refund would the lost (2x)shipping cost + potential that I will have to pay duties when the item reenters the country.

If I deny the request for return/refund, I run the risk of him initiating a chargeback. I understand that he can claim a chargeback based on the item being unacceptable.

  1. If he is successful in his hypothetical chargeback, he would keep the product and also receive the money?

  2. Is there any chance of the card issuer siding with me since I can easily prove the item was received, or is the alleged defect sufficient for his chargeback to be successful?

Thanks for taking the time to read and for any insight.

  • cacawachi@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Chances are the customer want to keep the item and money, ask them to send you back the item, and then inspect it, if what they are saying is true, send them a new product and refund the shipping price and hope to god you don’t receive a bad review, if they refuse to send it back you can use it as evidence for when they chargeback and hope to god it will be accepted.

    Ps both options you are going to get impacted, do a cost vs value analysis in order to pick a more relevant option, and make sure your return policy is well written.

    Ps 2 this is just how I see or would manage things, others might give you a better idea so good luck