Hey world,

I just acquired this SaaS (https://cancelo.io/). It’s my first time in this industry.

I will seriously appreciate any comments on how I can improve it (Eg: anything unclear or can be said better).

Feel free to be mean!

PS: Based on the suggested feedback we will create our landing page 2.0.

  • Napoleon_nap@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think it needs to be more visual, I suggest you make the “churn story” in the form of comic book with each stage (heading like: Churn happens, Catch them…etc) to be included in a block (web designers will understand) with an image representing it. make it a funny let’s say “Churn happens” block to include the image of a minion moving out leaving an open door. “Catch them …” block, another image of a minion running after another to catch 😂, and so on. My main idea mak it visual and appealing. wish you all the best.