Teetering back and forth on doing my first custom business. And by custom its a blue ocean AF business. Going to be getting a quote here for the MVP, a type of platform. It does two things. It answers the demand of frustrating advertising, And simplifies finding services and companies around the globe… Still… shitting bricks cause Indont have this kind of money to just throw around. Roughly 45k… But my guts are clenching and Im swesting and think i might go forward with it.

Im just sitting here thinking… should I consult with a lender? I dont want to bend over backwards to be f*cked in the ass by their opinions. I want to keep doing it my way. Or maybe crowd funding. 🤔 cause I dont want to spend my money for it to fail. But I dont want to lie to anyone. I dont even want to give them ideas itll work. It could be a dumpster fire. Cause no ones done this before (market research) I dunno what would you do? Blue ocean business. Whole ass platform. Ideas thoughts? Feelings prayers. Donations 😏😄 whatever gents sendem