Has anyone ever demoted a highly paid manager? This individual was one carrying this company and handled so much, now has really taken steps back for many reasons (health, age, etc), but has the exact same salary.

Does anyone have experience with this?

  • ContributionSuch2655@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You’re better off to fire them unfortunately. This is why you lay off instead of pay cut when times are lean. There are not many greater DE-motivators than a pay or position cut. If you think he’s bad at this high level position wait until you cut him down to a lower position.

    If he’s a REALLY well adjusted person you may be able to have the convo with him- maybe he’s feeling overwhelmed too and wouldn’t mind a smaller role. That would be the minority of people who can handle that convo though.

    Tough all the way around for sure. I feel for you.