After you get the app done, can a non techie manage it? No need to hire someone from a tech background to manage it? Like if it’s a task app, can the non tech guy hand over tasks? Through admin panel or something? Or again need a tech guy? Obviously for bugs and new ideas that i conceive needs an external developer to add to it, I know that. But then just about what the app is designed to do. Can I change the UPI Id, without being a tech guy? Can I hand out push notifications by just writing in some place? Or need code?
Please do explain a bit without condescending:)

  • markosway@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I hardly doubt that. From my experience, almost NEVER can app work without tech person involved constantly. It doesn’t have to be full-time, but when you need it.

  • maga_ot_oz@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Correct, a CRM might be helpful in this case. The system can be built to your needs and then you would be able to update all the data. At least at my dev shop we do it like that, so if the person doesn’t want to work with us at some point in the future they can do so freely. In any case support can be offered when you need it usually. Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss further.

  • tony-berg@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you have a house built, will it have a basement? Will it have a loft? Will it have a pool? A bowling alley?

    If you ask for it to be built it will have all that, right?!

    Same with an app. It’s custom built according to your specifications and/or whatever the devs prefer to use/sell.

    You have to ask for what you want, using very clear, written down, specifications/requirements. And you can’t just assume anything not written down and clearly communicated.

  • zeorin@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If your app hasn’t explicitly had the ability to do these administrative tasks built into it, it’s very likely that a non-tech person will not be able to do it.

    What you’re describing is often called an “admin panel”, or a “back office”. There are ways to develop these relatively quickly, such as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) generators/tools, but they’re not as polished as the customer facing UX. For example, using them often requires an understanding of the underlying data model used in the database, and they may not enforce certain business rules automatically, requiring you to manually account for those.

  • darvink@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Think app development as if it is farming.

    Your outsourcing company is basically just a farmhand. You ideally still want your own technical people, if anything to act as the architect. This is because many of the architecture choices’ will impact your outcome, but not in an immediate way. Sure, the outsourcing company can help you architect, but their goal is to complete the dev and handover, not the potential future problem if certain things are done in a certain way.

    For example, because their goal is to show that they have planted some crops, and that the crops is producing during handover, they can just choose to hand water all the crops (easiest) and not build a proper irrigation system.

    Now to answer your question, the farm can run today, but things do break down. Suppose there is no rain for an extended amount of time, you will need to quickly adapt on how to sustain your farm. If you don’t have anyone inhouse, it will be very risky.

    You will also need to make sure your soil is healthy along the way.

    Point is, tech development is a “living” thing. You can’t just do it once and be done with it.

  • mladjenija@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It depends, but yes you can do everything by yourself, as everything can have ui. It’s just based on your requirements what you want to change and you could build admin panel based on those

  • IntolerantModerate@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In general, unless you have a tech background anything but the most trivial changes will be impossible for you.

    This is partly by design as the app devs want you to be re-occuring revenue stream.