I am thinking of creating a boilercode for python + Typescript apps. I see a lot of typescript app boilercodes and not too much python, is python hated by solopreneurs?
Absolutely, especially cuz u can take existing tools and break them apart and adjust
I much prefer python on backend.
I’ve been using it for my projects and actually even created a boilerplate: https://github.com/igorbenav/FastAPI-boilerplate
I like Python, but using Node.js for backend development creates a more unified and efficient tech stack.
Yes we do… But when you say boilerplate, what all you planning to include
If you know Python, , there’s really no reason not to use it. It’s has a big, helpful community.
When I use Python, one of the reasons I appreciate it is that it generally doesn’t require a lot of boilerplate.
Also ai/ml/nlp libraries is huge - i dont belive js/ts has or would ever get on par with that.
Something to push out a MVP quick and then also have the ability to move it easily to fulfill Enterprise needs later? Heck yeah, Python it is, and that is why we love it!
Yes we do.
Typescript ❤️
Python 🤪
I use both equally. For my data related research work, I use python. All my side projects, including the ones I want to link my python work, I use TS/JS. I came across some combinations using python/dash etc. But if you’re working on combining TS and Python, I’d be one of the first ones to try :)
I hate python, but I don’t particularly like TS either, but its better than JS.
I use it for every thing!
I avoid interpreted languages. There’s a price to pay for that, but if you’re building for the long haul you want to dodge the pythons.
Do you work on web development? What language / framework do you use for backend?