Hi everyone,

I’m the CEO of a small software company, and I’m currently doing some research on the burn rates of other software companies. I’m interested in understanding the range and factors that influence the burn rate in our industry.

If you’re comfortable sharing, I’d love to hear about your experiences:

  1. Company Size and Stage: (e.g., startup, growth stage, established)
  2. Average Monthly Burn Rate: (How much cash your company typically spends more than it earns in a month)
  3. Key Factors: (What are the major contributors to your burn rate? E.g., staff costs, marketing, R&D)
  4. Strategies to Manage Burn Rate: (Any effective strategies you’ve implemented to manage or reduce your burn rate)
  5. Lessons Learned: (Any insights or advice you can share based on your experience)

Your input will be incredibly valuable to myself and potentially to other entrepreneurs and CEOs in this community. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share and help!
