• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2023


  • Thank you for your question! Our distinct advantage lies in our team composition and our pricing model. Every member of our team is either an experienced engineer or a designer, each with an established career in the industry. This blend of expertise allows us to tackle projects with a depth of knowledge and a creative approach that’s unique in our field.

    Regarding our pricing, while I prefer not to delve into specifics here, I can share that our model is designed to be more cost-effective over time compared to a standard software team. We’re committed to providing professional and premium software solutions at a price point that’s more accessible than traditional options. This approach not only makes high-quality software development more attainable for our clients but also ensures they receive exceptional value without compromising on the standard of work.

    We believe that by combining our team’s expertise with a thoughtful pricing strategy, we can offer a unique and appealing proposition to those looking for top-notch software development services.

    It’s worth noting the unique experience our team offers compared to many software shops. These often rely on newer, less experienced contractors specializing in specific technologies like React. In contrast, our team consists of seasoned engineers and designers with extensive industry careers, ensuring a deeper understanding and broader skill set in software development. This difference is vital, as it means our clients receive not just code, but comprehensive, finely-tuned software solutions developed with a higher level of expertise and professionalism.

  • I think you should learn what is popular, doing so means you’ll find developers when things grow. React is a very intuitive library for building applications for the web, and it’s not a very large leap to move to react native for mobile.

    If I were trying to get started I would use a server rendered framework like Remix or Next, both of which use React. I would model my data using an ORM like Drizzle or Prisma.

    Two great resources are courses by Kent C. Dodds, Epic React and then after you understand that, Epic Web will teach Remix.run.

    Most importantly just start. It’s that’s simple. You’ve got this, I believe in you. Good luck!