Without writing a small story I’m trying to justify using a led gen agency but they all give the same vibes as SEO agencies from 10 years ago did (promise the world and deliver… not much).

We’ve done it ourselves, with some success but don’t have the time to spend doing it. While it might be more cost-effective to hire someone to do it, we feel using an agency is a good way to test it out for a few months without committing to paying and managing an FTE.

So, Lead gen agencies: how did you find them?..

  • did they generate any leads?
  • increase in traffic to your product?
  • did they need micro managing?
  • As the title said, has anyone ever used a led gen agency?
  • re_mark_able_@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I hate the cold emails that land in my inbox every day.

    They start with an insincere compliment: “I’ve been following you for 6 months and have been really impressed with your business so decided to reach out”

    Then a pivot into a random sales pitch.

    The first company that did this May have got results, but when you get 5 a day with the same format…

    I block the sender and report as spam to try and keep them out of my inbox.

    It would be great if there was an anti B2B marketing lead gen agency AI that could filter this trash out of my inbox.