Hi all. I know this is probably a really easy answer, but I just need some reassurance so I can feel confident in executing.

I own a gift shop… boutique… all around badass store. A couple days ago, a customer, who is a bit of a regular, bought a pair of wine glasses. My sweet little employee came in today to a voicemail from said customer saying that she shattered the wine glasses she purchased when she got them home. She wants to know if we can replace them, I’m assuming for free?

Money has been tight this year. Scary tight. I feel like the old me would be like, “Yeah, come on in, I’m sorry they broke! I’ll replace them.” But the new me, the one who’s more afraid with the money situation, is wondering if there’s a very nice way to tell her that she broke them, she has to buy new ones? Or should I even do that? Should I replace them for free?

Please help. 😭

  • Human_Ad_7045@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    How ‘regular’ is this customer? Are you willing to lose her?

    Option 1 (replace for free) How much of a loss would you take on the glasses (at your cost +shipping) to keep a regular customer happy, keep them a customer, and say great things about your shop?

    (Option 2 replace at cost) Can you keep this customer happy by replacing the glasses at a deep discount (35%) to cover your cost+shipping?

    Either way, you need to contact your customer and “apologize for her misfortune.”

    (I would probably go with option 2 unless she spends a few thousand a year and/or has brought me a lot of additional business.)

    “I really value your business and would like to replace the glasses at my cost.”

    Then take her credit card info over the phone so your not stuck with the replacement glasses.