I am software developer, with years of experience. Over the years I have started multiple projects but I have always been afraid to release the apps for fear of failure and also considering the fact that I don’t know anything outside development.

Last year I made myself a promise to release one app, so I got to work and so far so good.

I have lost hope along the way and regained it , I have push through all negative thoughts and pushed this app further than any. I have progressed as far as running beta testing with external users ( all with positive comments )and fixed all bugs.

Now I am back to the same fear again and at the top of my fear list are:

  1. What if people don’t like it ?
  2. If is fails and I lose all the money I have invested in it
  3. How do I market it
  4. I don’t know much about running a business where do I begin with the launch and running this
  5. I am so introvert I don’t even have friends to test the app , I had to pay external testers.

Any direction, suggestion or helpful answers on how to go about this would be most appreciated.

  • softwaresanitizer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hey! It’s amazing that you’ve pushed through the fear and gotten to this point. Many people are too afraid to leave their comfort zone, but it’s great that you’ve pushed through.

    Here is the most important thing to move your app forward:

    1. Talk to users
    2. Build and iterate on your app based on their feedback

    Your users are the “lock”, and your app is the “key” to that lock. Many people start by building a key, and then they go around testing that key out on hundreds of different locks. This is backwards. Successful apps start by focusing on a specific type of person, a specific “lock”, and they craft a “key” to fit into that lock.

    You want to find the problems or desires that a specific type of user is facing, and then build an app centered around those problems and desires.

    It can work to be your own primary user. If you have a specific problem or desire that you’re lacking, and you build an app to address that, then you just have to find more people like you, and test if your solution works for them as well.

    To address your other points:

    1. Most people are going to be extremely indifferent about your app. This is part of the game.
    2. It will be a long time before you recoup your total investment in the app, if ever. Try to be scrappy and limit how much you spend on developing the app
    3. Marketing & selling is by far the most challenging part of this, and it’s going to take a lot of courage to push out of your comfort zone. But, here’s some good news: you’re already marketing your app! You posting this on Reddit, is a form of marketing. Be authentic, be vulnerable, and just tell your story. Keep us all updated how it progresses, and keep posting online about what you’re working on.
    4. I would keep it simple – it probably doesn’t make sense to incorporate at this point unless you’re spending A LOT of money already, and want to use these expenses to lower your personal taxes. But it’s a lot of administrative overhead that is going to distract you from your app.
    5. It’s great to know yourself, but be careful about embracing self-limiting beliefs and labels. Yes, it’s true that introversion and extroversion is a thing, and that some people find it more natural to talk to people and make friends. But this is a huge area in your life that you can grow and improve on, but it will definitely take you out of your comfort zone.

    Have I scared you enough yet? Good. It is scary. Life goes fast, and life is hard. You owe it to yourself to give it your best shot, if it’s something you deeply desire.

    You can do it. You’re already doing it. Keep going. If you keep pushing on this, and don’t give up, this will be an amazing experience that will help you grow as a developer, and more importantly as a human being.

    Good luck. Keep us updated.