Okay, so I know the clickbait-y title was a bit cringe. I’m 27, I’ve been a real estate agent for 3 years now after dropping out of college, and managed to bring myself up into the “luxury” market of real estate in that time. I’ll make just below $300k this year, which I think is pretty decent in this current economy of the US. My issue is, and I’m hoping many of you in this sub will be able to advise, is that I’m having an extremely hard time finding like-minded men to surround myself with. As mentioned, I just turned 27, I make 6 figures, in the gym at 5:30 6 days a week, got the nice car, etc, etc, etc. Now a lot of my clients I would consider friends, but they are all in their 40’s+, so not exactly my IMMEDIATE friends, I guess. My main friend group consists of the guys I’ve remained in contact with since high school or college, who are already acting like their retired and spending all their free time doing absolutely fuck-all, inviting me out to the clubs/bars at 10pm or later Thursday-Sunday, have ugly gf’s, talk about how nice it is that their job is wfh allowing them to play video games and watch Netflix the majority of the day, etc.

I honestly feel like I’m going crazy. I’m thinking of business ideas 24/7. I’m constantly looking for the next venture. I wake up extra early to watch Bloomberg before I start my day. I’m sure many of the men on this sub have similar mindsets, are you always this lonely? Do you always feel this isolated and individualized? If not, what type of efforts and where did you meet your “tribe”? I would do anything to be able to have someone to bounce ideas off of, or even start some new venture together, but I feel so isolated in my ambition.

  • Clash_Ion@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yes that will happen when you really dedicate yourself to something. It’s normal. A lot of my friends are more concerned about social events than I care to be. However, I still try to be social with some friends.

    What throws me off about your post is that you’re “thinking of business ideas 24/7”. I imagine it’s because my business takes more mental focus than average, but frankly I don’t have the time to entertain new business ideas all day when I am spending so much time on my current one. I do have a few other ideas but now is not a good time to delve deep into them. I did do a networking event with several other entrepreneurs; they all read lots of books and asked me the latest book I read. I couldn’t imagine spending time reading business books all week. But again, I am not working on a quick app or product that one could build in six months. Just my two cents.