I sell digital products aimed at web developers, and I’m facing a challenge. I need feedback from customers who have bought my products, but I’m finding it hard to get their testimonials.

Has anyone here dealt with a similar situation? I’m looking for a simple and effective way to gather feedback. If you have any systems or methods that work well for collecting customer reviews, please share them.

I’m especially interested in strategies that are easy to implement and don’t require a lot of technical know-how.

  • buttercat91@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you have a feedback section, just go back to clients getting permission to use it as testimonial. If you don’t have a feedback section, maybe try to implement one? And if implementing feedback section is not a solution, email you clients directly and share the link to a survey you created and ask them to fill it in as it helps you improve and bla blabla. Good luck!

  • eandi@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you want no touch you can do a popup in app and then ask for a written one in a typeform or a video one using video ask.

    Personally, running an advocacy program, I reach out as the founder to our healthiest customers via email, then follow up a few days later if they don’t reply. I ask if they want to join our advocacy program, tell them what’s in it for them (swag, gift card, etc).

    If they say yes I set up a 15 min intro call and record it. My main question is “what is the benefit you’ve seen from the platform and how do you quantify that?”. Sometimes they’ll say something great, and usually I’ll paraphrase after the call and email them back asking if I could use their quote where they said “X”. Almost everyone says yes right away unless their company is so large they need approval from others.