What do you think ?

  • AnonJian@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ll argue if you’re delaying a project on the basis of ‘perfectionism’ whilst you have little to no interest in market demand and couldn’t guess what a prospective customer is like – it’s a curse. But of course, in that case it isn’t perfectionism – is it.

    Many will say some garbage like “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” What they are defending is crap. Doing as little as possible and anything less you can possibly imagine; to see if you can fool some of the market, some of the time. They fool themselves instead.

    Perfection is not a human trait. Duh. So, seeking it must be some kind of lame excuse, a subterfuge – lying to yourself. Calling oneself a perfectionist elevates your effort above the scheming blundering obliviousness of the newbie cringing in fear of the market reaction. You’re not procrastinating out of loathsome ineptitude and crippling fear – no.

    Somehow, without knowing much of anything, you have deemed yourself capable of flawlessly launching something a huge percentage fail at. Skipping half the steps, you miraculously nailed it!

    Congratulations. Thank you for equating yourself to godlike levels of infallibility and omniscience – humble of you. Go fucking launch and get what you deserve now please.