I see a lot of brick-and-mortar businesses around me that don’t bother with a website, and if they have one it’s usually ancient. It seems like most of their activity is on social media, mainly Facebook.
Do you need a website or will a Facebook page suffice?

  • Citrous_Oyster@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I’m a web developer.

    a Facebook page can’t rank on google for people searching for your services. Only a website can. And if they’re doin fine with just a Facebook then they can do even better with a website which will help make the slow periods not as slow and keep the leads coming in more consistently. Not everyone uses Facebook to find your services. And lots of people won’t call a business if they don’t have a website because anyone can make a Facebook page with little effort and buy followers. Making an actual good looking website takes effort and instills more trust in a brand. Facebook pages are for social validation. Websites are used to be found online. And ignoring a website is ignoring an entire market of customers who use websites to find your services. And if you’re doing well without a website it is just validation that what you do is in demand, valued, and sought after. A website will only amplify your current reach in the community and let people find you who don’t have Facebook or who doesn’t know anyone that has worked with you before to get a Referral. You can reach people who wouldn’t have found you otherwise. And that’s a client who can now refer you to other people and expand your already established referral network. A new website can’t hurt you. It can only help you in this situation. And if you want to retire at the end of it all, having a well established website that ranks well adds more value to your company and that’s more money you can ask for in your sale price. A website is an asset like any other tool or piece of machinery. And assets have value and bring value.