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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • brick and mortar entertainment/amusement biz. we did bday parties and corp events.

    Sales went from up in the first few months of the year, to flat through the summer, to down starting in Sept/October. Meanwhile - labor and other costs like insurance were up 30%+. And then interest rates were sky high as well - and all that was the debt I needed to get through covid that I was just starting to pay back. I probably ran things badly too. But I’m just done…sometimes there’s something to be said from starting from zero rather than trying to save something.

  • I ran an amusement space with two locations. Unfortunately these questions you just have to do the research yourself like talking to landlords and talking to owners in other places with similar spaces.

    What I can say is 2k square foot is a bit small. One thing you want to capture is birthday party business, so you need extra space for tables and party space. The class idea is great as well but you need an area for parents to wait. It’s unlikely you fit that in 2k square feet.

    Go to other cities in Google maps and find similar spaces and call them up and talk.