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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • They are just jealous and want to copy your ideas. I know it’s frustrating but you have to try and take it as a compliment and keep doing you. You sound like you will be successful so don’t even think about them. And stop spending so much time shouting out or hyping them up unless they are doing the same back.

    For fun and to be petty do a giveaway with another florist and book store in town if there’s others. Those ones where you all post it and to enter people have to like all your pages.

  • I knew someone who paid someone to work at her shop 5-8 so she could be open evenings and some nights no-one came in. If someone came in and purchased something for $80 then it would literally just pay for the person working and no profit. So she doesn’t bother anymore and most people can come on Saturdays. I don’t think people realize how little visitors some stores get, a lot of them survive by online sales.

  • It’s slower everywhere now, try a giveaway on social media for more followers or do some Instagram ads in your area to get more business. There might have been a boom at the beginning as you were new, do you have contacts for all the customers that you can send a coupon to use $5 off if you spend $40 kind of thing?