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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023

  • The competitive advantage is huge - a question I ask myself as I think about new ventures is ‘what unfair advantage do I have’? And the answer is almost always not much - If I come up with something that seems like a competitive edge I like fire-testing it with friends who have successfully launched companies - they usually have good questions about whether the advantage I see is real, important to the market, etc

  • I was just searching for a parent entrepreneur sub - specifically for support around a side hustle. I’ve got 3 kids (3,5 and 8 yrs old) and I’m thinking about starting a business in the natural home goods / cleaning products space. The rub is that I can’t quit my job, and have maybe 2 hours at night after the kids go to bed to work on the business. I acquired a super small niche website back in March and made the evening work thing happen for a few months - and feel like I’m still recovering from the burnout from the side hustle + parenting + work.

    The main struggle from my perspective is that I can’t see sacrificing my relationship with my kids - that 5-8pm time with them is sacred. So I’m left with the 8-10pm time to work but my energy is low after a full day. I keep talking about wanting to jump in again to running a business (and have made some moves in that direction) but generally am finding it tough to work consistently at night. I’d rather cook, rest, watch tv etc - almost anything other than be on the computer (which is my full time gig).

    Being an involved parent and trying to start a side hustle feels more or less impossible. It’s definitely something I want but I haven’t figured out how to make it happen. Having consistent energy to give consistent time to growing a thing is definitely the biggest road block.

    Thanks for posting this! Felt timely