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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 23rd, 2023


  • Always grew cannabis since I was 15. Growing plants was my passion. When I turned 30 I was trying to find a business to start - was thinking of building bike trails and getting government contracts since I had experience building trails for the government. As I had my plants started and nowhere to plant them that year and was trying to plan how to get government contracts for trails jobs. It hit me- it’s medically legal in My state at the time. Maybe I could do it as a business! That was ten years ago and I’ve never looked back- best decision I could have made in my life. It was my destiny, but I didn’t realize it because it was socially on the fringes. In hindsight it was so obvious, but I couldn’t see the potential because it wasn’t something you could tell grandma about at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 but it fell in with my passion, and the timing was perfect to create something that I could never replicate.