• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023

  • Hey, thanks for your comment.

    With an expired domain, before you get started - you need to evaluate a lot of things. When we are buying an expired domain we check out over 30 variables to confirm its validity since the risk factor with it is quite high.

    Here are a few important ones that I would suggest you check before doing any work:

    • History
    • Spam
    • Topics covered
    • Type of site
    • Drop history
    • Redirections
    • Backlinks
    • Ratio of backlinks to home vs other pages
    • more

    Depending on this information, I would decide whether to make it a broad site or a narrow one. However, a more important factor is the resources at hand. If you have the budget, time and skills then there is nothing wrong going broad. However, if budget is less - then I would suggest you go narrow in order to increase the odds of success.

    If you were starting on a fresh domain, I’d recommend to have a solid content marketing plan (niche, entities, kws, site structure etc.) and get started. However, with an expired domain - it’s important to evaluate it first and then move ahead. Otherwise, your whole investment might go down the drain.

    I hope this helps. If you have more questions - feel free to let me know. I would be happy to assist.

    Best of luck!

  • Hello

    Content marketing and site structure is probably the most important part of this entire process and it takes a lot of iterations with numerous projects to get it right.

    Even with so many projects. We take over a month just to get it right and check over numerous variables to validate the niche and devise a structure that would actually work.

    While it would be hard to explain what to avoid as they are so many things. I can give an overview…

    • Don’t follow the gut. Always follow the data.
    • Multiple tools to extract data. Don’t rely on one
    • Be very systematic to arrange info
    • Have an understanding of Google’s search research papers and patents to understand how it works
    • Look for already existing market proof

    I hope this helps. This was a broad question and this topic is so detailed that it would be harder to explain it in one comment.

    Hope this helps.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


  • You’re welcome. Here are your answers:

    1. Google adsense offers the worst RPM (revenue per mill or revenue per 1000 visits). I would definitely not recommend it. I would suggest you go for Ezoic once the traffic goes above their threshold which is around 10,000. We get around$4-21 per 1000 visits with ezoic. This is the data from 41 content websites that I run. Try to increase the traffic even more and get accepted by even better programs like Mediavine and Adthrive. The RPM increase to even 30 in some cases so it’s a huge bump. Sometimes, we buy adsense approved sites and just switch the ad network to ezoic to have a quick increase in earnings and valuations. There was a site getting around 50,000 visits and the adsense RPM was $4. We switched to Ezoic after buying the RPM increased to $11. We were making around $200 from Google adsense but after switching, we started making $550. The valuation increased as well. It was 40x the monthly revenue. Please note that the affiliate earnings were different and I am sharing this just to demonstrate the difference
    2. Most of our sites are content brands. Meaning we just have written content that drives traffic and we monetise that via affiliate and display. However, we have worked with numerous business owners who offer a service, product etc. We design their content marketing strategy to drive traffic that is:
      > Relevant to their business
      > Converts well
      > Consistently keeps making them money month over month
      > With minimal effort (1h per week once ranked)
      > No additional ad spend

    So, in summary - switching from Google ads is the way to go and this model works for both solo info sites and businesses who wish to drive highly relevant traffic to get more customers. Works really well with SaaS, home services, consultancy etc.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions. Would be happy to help.
