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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • If I was in this position I would first ask myself:

    1. Do I have enough saved to cover x of expenses? If yes, you now have flexibility.
    2. If I were to stay at my current job and they let me go would it be possible to get severence? If not will the amount of unemployment that I can receive cover some of my expenses? This will buy me time.

    I would aim to gather as much information as possible about this new prospective company.

    1. The salary = 100k but how are the benefits? Bonuses? Commission? Options? Stock?
    2. Is there potential for me to move up within the team and the company? Have they recently done promotions and have those promotions come with pay raises? (The reason this is important is because a lot of companies are still doing promotions in which you get a new title but no increase in pay)
    3. Is the company stable? Have they recently done layoffs? The more you know the better position you will be to make a decision.