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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023

  • I did not find my two most recent mentors helpful AT ALL other than pointing me in the direction of SCORE’s resources. Neither of them had business background (I wanted help with applying to grants and they paired me with someone who said she had experience with grants from her time working at a university) and the other I think has a non-profit (really wasn’t clear to me, my mentor recommended her to me for help with marketing as an SME but she was never available and stopped responding to my emails). When I would send them text for a grant application to proofread they were missing major typos and grammatical errors (I know this because I double checked their work) but told me it was good to go. Complete waste of time for where I’m at in my business now and both seemed too busy with their personal lives to be of assistance and didn’t really have the experience I needed them to have, but I think if you’re just starting out it could help.

  • Only one person should be ordering supplies. Keep supplies in one space everyone knows about, have them check there when they need something and if it’s out or close to out, they tell the person who places orders. The coffee is not running out with no one noticing. Someone is using the last of it and doesn’t care enough to refill. If you use Amazon, just add things to the cart as they come up. Don’t bother with the checklist, it’ll be too hard to keep up with. Make it clear people should not wait until something is out to mention it’s out. We can all tell when something is running low, it’s everyone’s responsibility to help out here.

  • I would just respond with exactly what you did to remedy the issue and how you tried to work with her without being accusatory or suggesting anything about her mental state or personal info. Don’t focus on getting them removed. Whenever I see negative reviews with a professional response from the business owner it let’s me know that the client was the problem. There are a lot of people out there who are going to leave negative reviews. All you can do is address them in a polite and professional manner and move on. Trying to remove them shows lack of integrity IMO.