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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • If you remember the verbal agreement, and there’s a chance you’ll be a founder again, I’d honor the verbal agreement. I agree that a contract is a contract, and you should point out the contract, but, losing an early champion when you have a long future is clearly about more than legalese. I’m guessing the difference in comp that you and your cof take-home is negligable, if you honor the verbal? I’m not rich, but, $450k take home doesn’t sound like life-changing retirement money. You’ll have a future. Up to you whether Investor B is part of that for you.

  • VinoVoyage@alien.topBtoStartupsStudent CTO in a startup ?
    10 months ago

    As a former founder, and national recruiter, this is really close to my heart. Startups are intensely time and energy heavy, with painful learning curves for years. Most startups can’t afford to pay for resources they need, for a long while. Unless you can leverage the startup load, with/against class projects, you’ll be essentially doubling your present workload. It might be worth it to take a few meetings, but, at this stage, don’t get distracted from your personal goals.