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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023

  • Swiggy1957@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFiring half my staff
    10 months ago

    Before you think of firing your remaining staff, you may want to consider replacing those already fired. Otherwise, you’re going to come in on a busy day and discover everyone has left. You won’t need to fire them. They’ll quit on their own. After the first group was fired, you must believe that the others are polishing up their resumes. Remember, people don’t quit bad jobs. They quit bad managers. https://news.gallup.com/businessjournal/106912/turning-around-your-turnover-problem.aspx

    I saw it happen at several places where I worked. I’ve actually been part of it. In factories, I’ve seen departments just not show up, departments that could make do by borrowing from other departments. You don’t have that option.

    What happens when people quit their jobs? You first need to hire new staff. You can’t just put a HELP WANTED sign in the window and hire the next person that comes through the door. Then you, or your office manager, need to go through the resumes, determine who is worth interviewing, and then the interview process. Finally, choosing the candidate. You call and say, “You’re hired!” And you get the response, “I’m sorry, but I’ve already accepted a position elsewhere.” Now you have to go down the list.

    You are aware that it can cost between 50% to 300% of an employee’s annual wage just to train a new/replacement employee? The higher the skill level, the more it costs.

    Yes, you are a highly skilled dentist, but it sounds like you lack the skills necessary to be a successful businessman. If you fail to inspire confidence. Firing 4 people since taking over the business? Knowing the axe could fall on them at any time does not inspire employees, which gives you the impression that they are against you.

    Based on your writing style, I’m going to say that you have a habit of talking down to your subordinates. You may not notice it, but it’s very noticeable in your writing. I have to wonder if your patients have noticed it. If so, that could cost you patients.

    Remember, by operating your own practice, you are not just a dentist. You’re a skilled worker bee, a business owner, and a customer service representative. Just like your staff. You have to labor to produce revenue. You’re the owner who has to make the decisions of products and services to provide. And you have to service your customer base. My experience at AT&T taught me there are two types of customers: external, which would be your patients, and internal, which would be your staff. While their compensation is important, I’ll ask what you did to find out what their needs are?

  • Questions:

    How much much do utilities cost? If you’re covering the costs for his beer cooler and only get a couple of square feet for your inventory, you need to clarify that.

    Likewise, how big IS the kitchen area. It will need to pass health inspection.

    Have a good menu and stick to it. One commenter here spoke of fraternal organization that wanted a $9.99 prime rib dinner. No problem. The owner wants that special, he. Has to provide the ingredients at the cost that allows you to hit that price point. Any specials you offer will be based on your own ability to find a deal. Example: Kroger had a BOGO on chicken wings this month. They won’t let you fill your cart, but buy some every day, then Saturday, have a wings special while supplies last.

    You’ll have to have someone with a food handlers license there for when you’re away from the place. You should not be expected to run the kitchen from opening to closing 6 or 7 days a week.

    The good news, aside from the second cook, that you’ll share cleaning duties with, that’s all the staff you should need. Wait-staff would be the bar personnel and Door dash/GrubHub drivers.

    Specifically, and this will be part of your overhead, you want every meal order in writing. Servers to collect upon delivery. This way, the customer doesn’t pass out or forget to pay. Or, like this one group of clowns we had at Big Boy, tuck the tickets in the booth seats. I found over 100 when we remodeled. Regardless, you’ll need one of those “ticket spears” for the owner to put paid tickets ob at the end of the night. I suggest you provide NCR ticket books for the servers so you can see that you’re getting reimbursed for all the orders. Also, to make sure they’re charging correctly.

    You will need to carry insurance for your protection, as well as a business license.

  • Questions:

    How much much do utilities cost? If you’re covering the costs for his beer cooler and only get a couple of square feet for your inventory, you need to clarify that.

    Likewise, how big IS the kitchen area. It will need to pass health inspection.

    Have a good menu and stick to it. One commenter here spoke of fraternal organization that wanted a $9.99 prime rib dinner. No problem. The owner wants that special, he. Has to provide the ingredients at the cost that allows you to hit that price point. Any specials you offer will be based on your own ability to find a deal. Example: Kroger had a BOGO on chicken wings this month. They won’t let you fill your cart, but buy some every day, then Saturday, have a wings special while supplies last.

    You’ll have to have someone with a food handlers license there for when you’re away from the place. You should not be expected to run the kitchen from opening to closing 6 or 7 days a week.

    The good news, aside from the second cook, that you’ll share cleaning duties with, that’s all the staff you should need. Wait-staff would be the bar personnel and Door dash/GrubHub drivers.

    Specifically, and this will be part of your overhead, you want every meal order in writing. Servers to collect upon delivery. This way, the customer doesn’t pass out or forget to pay. Or, like this one group of clowns we had at Big Boy, tuck the tickets in the booth seats. I found over 100 when we remodeled. Regardless, you’ll need one of those “ticket spears” for the owner to put paid tickets ob at the end of the night. I suggest you provide NCR ticket books for the servers so you can see that you’re getting reimbursed for all the orders. Also, to make sure they’re charging correctly.

    You will need to carry insurance for your protection, as well as a business license.