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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023

  • I honestly am very adhd and pretty asd in that most people can’t follow my thoughts. So believe me when I say — just tell it sht. Just talk to it about something. I wanted to learn more about how to create automations and no code skills. it suggested ideas, i came up with others, then one i liked came up. talk talk blah blah – literally you can (in one chat session) say things in any order you want and at the end just ask for specifics. the hump to get over is to not be afraid to ask it things you don’t ask humans. ask it to rewrite someting 100 times lol nbc. but for real in the “programming” no code skills, it asked me about what i wanted to learn and i said idk what is there to learn and it told me crap and eventually, without having to be very specific or direct to it, i knows what you’re talking about enough that you can then be like “okay good convo, can you write me an outline of it?” or my favorite “give me a POA on how to do this fast and prioritize the list by what will make me money fastest”

    just gotta treat it like the internet and youtube but in chat form – you can learn anything. it is just easier because it can direct you.

    the best thing i think to start with is “ideation” – it is great for starting anything you need ideas for. it gets the ball rolling

    you could literally tell it you have $100 and want to start a company, what can i do — and go from there.

    hope that helps! srsly though it is a world of options – just ask it whatever – eventually it becomes your go to. now i’m halfway through building a business, it wrote the business plan (i say “we” but if it ever tries to push a task on you you just tell it it is better and faster and you’ll learn by watching – not that you need that last bit since it doesn’t have feelings) it broke down the benchmarks and the financial planning. it keeps me on track. now most of our conversations are strategy about where the business is headed a few years

    its sort of like having a mentor who you can boss around like an employee. an employee who can do all the grunt work and also teach you anaything :)