This is a feature not a business. If you have proprietary code try licensing that to a bigger movie website, but otherwise I don’t think anyone’s going to pay for this on its own.
This is a feature not a business. If you have proprietary code try licensing that to a bigger movie website, but otherwise I don’t think anyone’s going to pay for this on its own.
Finish your PhD, it will be so much easier to raise money, market your startup and be taken seriously as Dr rather than drop out.
Sounds insufferable
This isn’t going to be popular advice, but it’s either in your genes or its not. I’d suggest you look at alternative career paths.
If you have no qualifications you’ll likely be dumb as fuck, and lack the sticking power to even succeed in business. You’ll be competing with people who dedicated their life to learning and improvement. When you go to raise finance you’ll have to explain that you have entirely unqualified. Come on man just smash it out. I did a masters degree in law whilst running my business. Light work. Get it done.
Absolutely sell. 80k now trumps 1700 a month in basically all ways.
Maybe you’re just not very good at it
Could be forever tbh.
I got an investor off a product mockup I made in PowerPoint. It doesn’t need to be super sophisticated, you just need to be able to inspire people with your plan.
Do not take a loan out to start this, terrible strategy. Start with whatever money you’ve got and make it work.