I think its important not to blend into the crowd. You need something original, something that can be done cost effectively as well something that reaches your target consumer. Like for example. If i was making an app that taught trending dance moves. First i would make sure i targeted young teens and adults Second i would campaign my app, not as a product but as something consumers should already have or they are left out. Like instead of spending thousands of dollars placing it in peoples faces i would spend a few hundred on amatuer actors to pretend they were caught on hidden cameras practicing dancing in funny public places. Then market these videos for free on youtube or other streaming platforms as some type of crazy trend. People dancing in public places with virtual instructors they can take anywhere. Something of that nature. Thirdly i would follow up with low advertising and paying influencers to discuss the trend, not the app. The trend is what sells the app. You sell the trend. Just a train of thought. Hope it helped. Btw im just a landscaper
The 1960s would be easy because you could invest in all the right companies but the 90s hoping to out do amazon? Goodluck…they dont let people like us in. You better learn coding with that money n buy a lawyer and a server. Thats your best bet