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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2023


  • I’m a small business process consultant who helps businesses identify areas in their businesses that are outdated and/or redundant and streamline them using readily available business tools.

    What I have learnt is that each business is different in their needs, wants, and goals. But by ensuring that your back office works seamlessly, you free up your time to work towards achieving your goals.

    Some quick win areas you could look at are

    1. What tasks do you repetitively complete on a regular basis. These types of tasks can usually be automated.

    2. Bottlenecks in your processes - what’s stopping you from achieving something, and how can you overcome these. For instance, your marketing strategy may not be optimised, so perhaps a marketing tool that automates your marketing process may be a huge benefit to you.

    3. Are you still capturing data manually in a notebook or in a Word file or Excel… Doing it this way often leads to inaccuracies, errors, or missed opportunities.

    4. What oversight do you have of your business? Can you immediately solve a situation that arises in your business, or do you first need to find all your notes to make a decision? A centralised data capture tool, such as a CRM, may be just what you need.

    Hope that’s of some help.