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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • This sounds like a steaming pile of shit. These black and white pictures people like to paint in these posts are usually done with ulterior motives. In this case, I think OP and the CTO want to eat up the IP and are creating paper-trail of their “concerns” with the person OP keeps shitting on. OP and the CTO have figured out that it’s going to get big, so time to start concern trolling the third partner into exiting, make a social media post or two for the lawyers to eat on.

    Also, the “stream of consciousness” writing tells me exactly how OP thinks. Not a good look.

  • It’s a lot more “nuts and bolts” than you are thinking. Don’t worry about reading a book to spot opportunities… that’s not how it works.

    I will give you a simple formula to train your mind. Look around you and find real life problems worth solving. Think up solutions. The key is the phrase “worth solving”. You have to be honest with yourself if the problem is worth solving for only yourself or a bigger market.

    Don’t overthink things. Entrepreneurship is not a science.