Have you tried Asana?
Have you tried Asana?
Never sell replicas. That’s not something you can do for long or have a strong and scalable business around it.
But now that you are in mess, do the following.
If this is not something you do as your primary job or business, then better sell them among your family and friends and their friends and their friends and thei… In other words, find people locally and get rid of them.
If this is what you do to make your living then stop. There is no value spending time and effort for creating a business that’s not scalable. You must sell something which is legal to sell. Also, you must either have your store to sell them or use any of the online platforms for it.
If I were at your place, I’d launch and test the product first. If I got enough traction and found it worthy of scaling, only then I’d register it.