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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • Most of the ones I get are generic mass mailshots (many even have loads of other addresses in the CC field LOL), I just mark them as spam and don’t worry any further. If however they have taken the time to send a personalised request that specifically references things to show they have put some effort in, I have no issue responding, sometimes that will be a polite thanks but no thanks, other times it may be drop in for a chat.

  • First thing first, it’s WAY too early to say if your business is failing or not. The average length of time before a new business becomes profitable is two to three years, you are nowhere near that yet. I know it can feel like the sky is falling with so much to do and being so new to it all. You should be working as hard as you can to make your business profitable, but it’s VERY rare for it to happen over night, so don’t panic.

    It may sound rather ‘new agey’ but start a gratitude journal, I’m a hypnotherapist and frequently get my clients to do this if they are in a slump. It’s so easy to overlook the positives when you are worrying so much about the negatives. Every day take a few moments to list what’s good about your life, it doesn’t need to be massive things like winning millions on the lotto, but obviously do list it if that happens, but all the little things add up too. Just being inside when it rains for example. The more you look for these things the more your brain will learn to find them too. You are welcome to DM me (actual DM, not the chat thing, I have that turned off), if you want to talk one on one away from public eyes.

  • It’s important, but not massively so as long as you take the time to point it out. Most people expect web addresses to be .com and will be confused and possibly give up if that doesn’t work. It depends a lot on how you are using it, if it’s direct, email, business cards or whatever, just point out that it’s a .ca address. If it’s via search, as long as your SEO is up to grade, they will just be clicking a link. It’s mainly if people see it written somewhere then type it in to their browser themselves later where they can get it wrong.

  • Wow, the more you explain the idea, the worse it gets LOL

    Selling at flea markets means you’ll have to sell at low enough prices to allow for impulse buys, if you are selling consumables or some with a MUCH wider appeal than swords, that’s fine. But with your idea, you’ll quickly exhaust the demand for low end wall hangers locally. As others have pointed out, you haven’t thought this through from a business point of view at all have you. You’ve just thought “I know, I’ll sell swords and shit. That’d be cool”.