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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023

    1. What three stores? Niche? Category, sub-category.
    2. A brand? Do you mean logo and name? It is not a brand.
    3. TikTok, Apple Store, Squarespace, Shopify - everything is tech and admin issues that you need to research to solve those issues.
    4. Do you need to order from Zazzle? Don’t you have your own source? (Setup)
    5. Did You hired 4 people? For marketing? What are they doing?
    6. “Does anyone else have this issue?” Yes… for the other 99% of the people who think it is easy and don’t do any research or hire someone with minimal experience.

    There are millions of online shops.

    Opening an online shop and creating a logo and name is not enough.

    1. Target audience?
    2. Your products
    3. Competitors
    4. Admin and Support
    5. UX for your shop (support, Products, delivery)
    6. Marketing (Socail Media, Ads)

    Do you have any audience?

    Or did you wake up one day and decide to open a shop because others make money and you think it’s “Voila!” and that’s it, people will come to buy?

    For Local, or international? There are many factors from Authority to demand to UX to Competitors and more…Do you have any personas for your target audience?

    Example: Selling tablets for local children, schools, and government.

    Target audience: Children aged 6-12.

    Customized tablets for educational purposes with special features or apps…

    By targeting a specific audience, in this case, children aged 6-12, you have created a niche market where you can compete with the other 1000 tablet retailers. Instead of competing against all 1000 retailers, you are now competing against 100 local retailers, and specifically targeting children aged 6-12 narrows down your competition to just 10 retailers.

    With this focused approach, you increase your chances of selling your tablets and build your brand awareness.

    Remember, a brand is not just a logo, name, or colors; it is your audience!

    Now you can implement targeted online social marketing strategies.

    Utilize the power of local marketing within your product niche.

    Start with local, then move to state, nationwide, and finally international.

    Choose a sub-niche dont go wide, you dont have a chance.

    and please…

    Research, research, and research some more…If you dont you can always hire someone to do what what they are best.

    If you need a consultation, let me know.