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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • I was at my last job for 20+ years. I loved it. My boss wanted to retire at 50 and after working together for a couple of years, and startied/ran a couple of other side businesses he halved his hours, went speedboat racing and when he turned 65 we sold the land to a developer, and the core business to a family member. I was on 100k py. It worked because I loved my job, the customers, the team, and primarily because he was a silent boss and trusted me to make money for him.

  • Do a cash forecast for 2 years and then extend to 5 years.
    Be realistic, be pessimistic, do include cost increases for materials, staffing, your salary, your income tax, your super etc, insurances etc.

    Then compare the nett income to working for somebody else.

    I highly recommend doing some accounting studies before putting 300k on the line.

    … my 60 y/old aunt and uncle put their savings and house on the line to increase the size of their business and now at 70 y/old have no income because they were overly optimistic, got into financial trouble, did a deal with some backers and now their home is security for a business they don’t work at and can’t get out of, and they can’t get the pension because their name is on a business document. It’s a big, big, mess.